Thursday, January 7, 2010

God gives and he gives himself, Pt.1. Introduction

I’m starting a series of posts on the revelation of God, and how we can come to know him. Today is the introduction. This reminds me of the joke from Ireland. A young man asks a girl he would like to get to know, “Is this seat empty?” To which she abruptly said, “Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.” I hope this introduction will not cause you to leave your computer seat.

Our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a giving God. He gave, and his giving continues. Over and over again Scripture tells of God, his mighty works, and what he is up to as it takes place in this place where we live. In all of this, this truth comes up: God is a giving God.

But what present does he give? Here we can’t give him any ideas, or a list. We can tell idols what to give and even give him a list. People do that, which is why Santa Clause is so popular. But you can’t give God in the Highest any ideas about giving. He is free. “Whom did he consult, and who made him understand? Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding?” (Is 40:14). No, only God himself teaches us about himself as giver and what he gives.

And this really brings us to the heart of what God has shown us about himself as Giver and his gift – both in the bible, and in Jesus Christ, namely that God gives, and that he gives himself.

The Bible testifies beyond doubt that God is a God of providence for a reason. You know what providence is? Simply it means God rules, and looks after all he has made in his wisdom, goodness and sovereign will. Scripture speaks of this providence this way; he feeds the birds of the field, he clothes the flowers, he gives the sun by day the moon by night. In other words God gives himself to care for this world. He gave creation, and even though sin came into it, he was not going to let it go. So God’s providence (sovereign rule & care over this world) is here because God gave himself as this world’s creator and he is giving it to us still…sustaining it.

Now we human beings should know this from what we see around us. Take for example the snowflake. Snowflakes are all six-sided. They start as hexagonal shapes and then grow forming an infinite variety of designs to delight us. No two are alike. This should cause us to see some the awesomeness of God. But sadly in man’s sinful nature, we sinfully twist it all around to our own purposes. Like someone who steels your camera, erases all your pictures and then uses it for himself, so man in his sin steels nature for himself and erases God from the picture; and sets up evolution, freedom of choice, dictatorships, etc. Scripture shines differently. It does not try to prove God, it declares God and in God’s grace, here we see God gave creation and gives himself to care for it, because he says it’s very good.

But there is more, Jesus Christ…and actually all of God’s creation and providence serve to give us Christ. Think of a watch, the whole thing all the wheels, springs, rods, and gears are for the hands. Now think of all the stories in the bible. From Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to the exile. Think of God allowing sin in, his feeding the fish, his confusing the languages at Babel. Think even of Saul and Judas; these all served his giving purposes, the giving of his very self for us to enjoy, worship, fear, and trust. “For God so loved the world, that he gave….” And he still does that. Just think of how God gave himself for you? There on the cross…and then now in a sermon, at the sacrament, sometimes even a song, or a severe trial and God by the Spirit makes the lights go on and you see what God the Son has done for you so you can have God as your Father.

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