Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jesus is Lord even at Christmas.

Hope all of you had a fun and refreshing time over the holidays. In talking about Christmas with my kids the big question was… “What is it? Is it a tradition about having a certain “spirit,” buying gifts and spending time with the family, or is it a Christian holiday?”

For the majority in Canada it is the former. The stores, the buyers, the gift-givers consciously refrain from speaking about the birth of Jesus, and if there is a nativity scene, or wise men and so on, it is mostly for Christmas decorations; not a symbol of the gift of Israel’s God to the world. Then there is the god many want at this time of year, namely the god of good-will, of sentimental memories where we want the Christmas spirit, as Faith Hill sings to, “never go away.” She asks, “Why have you gone away Christmas, I’m changing does that mean you’re changing too?” Add to this the other religions which also use this season as a time of celebration, and the predominance of Christ in Christmas shrinks even more. The Hindu’s have Sakranti, the Jews Hanukah, and the Muslims Al-Hijira.

Should Christians lament this? We should mournful over the sin involved, but not because somehow our concept of Christmas has been spoiled! The fact is Christians and the church too often participates gladly in the "spirit" of Christmas, the stuff, and the sentamentalism. So actually, now even in the face of Christmas we can live and speak the good news of Christ. We can say he is Lord, not the “spirit” of Christmas etc.

Instead of Christians being concerned that the Christmas holiday is going bad and getting worse we should remember and by faith declare that the birth of Jesus Christ is a great work of God which calls us to worship him.

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