Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God, and lying to ourselves.

Somewhere in his brilliant writtings Dostoyevsky said, "Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.” What can break this aweful sin of turning away from God and ourselves? Only God's grace. He by his revelation in Jesus Christ turns us around to face the truth about him and then we learn the truth about ourselves.
We often say the truth hurts so we hide hurt from ourselves. But can we say knowing God and ourselves hurts? Yes and no. Yes, when God loves us in his Son and turns us around to face him we realize how captured to evil we have really been. Real regret sinks in, and this hurts. But no, in that we are glad to be found out, and be turned around. I think we know even while we are lying to ourselves about our accomplishments and our sins themselves that we need to be turned around by God. When this happens by his grace we are glad.

1 comment:

nun ya said...

Found the blog Pastor, nice title, very fitting.
